Darragh ORiordan
#typescript articles
I've written 15 blog posts about #typescript. I hope they help you!
Cheat sheet for Typescript and Mongoose with Mongo
How to write an ESLint plugin in TypeScript
Create an only ever true boolean type in typescript
How to change the type of output for a property filter in typescript
Copying missing files during a typescript build on deploy
Five quick jest and typescript tips
TSLint is deprecated: how to upgrade to ESlint
How to setup TSLint and Prettier for TypeScript projects
How I configure jest on a typescript Node.js application
Typescript error "does not satisfy the constraint new" when using InstanceType in typegoose
How to find distinct items in an array in JavaScript or typescript
How to await async functions in specific sequence using typescript
How to log full objects in winston (hint... Use meta data)
How to check bitwise mask in typescript
Adding static JavaScript files to a react typescript project